
If you have any issues not addressed by this FAQ please email or contact us on Twitter at @Horizon_Explore.


How do I get Horizon Explorer?

Install Horizon Explorer from Google Play (Android) or the App Store (Apple iOS).

Will Horizon Explorer work on my phone?

Horizon Explorer requires ARCore (Android) or ARKit (iOS) technology to implement the Augmented Reality view.
Apple devices from the iPhone 6S with iOS 11.0 or later will support ARKit & Horizon Explorer.
The full list of Android devices is available from Google here: ARCore Supported Devices.
If you cannot don't see Horizon Explorer in your app store, you are probably not using a supported device.

I see incorrect information when I point at landmarks

There are 2 things you can try to improve accuracy:
1) Calibrate your phone's compass by moving it in a figure-8 shape, then pressing "Auto Align".
2) Drag the white horizon line with your finger so that it matches up with the horizon line you can see through the camera.

How do I change from km / meters to miles / feet?

Press the blue cog/gear button to open the settings menu. You can choose your units of measurement from the dropdown menu.

Can I add my own data to be displayed in Horizon Explorer?

If you have a worldwide open dataset which you think would improve Horizon Explorer, please email details to hello@horizon-explorer.
If you want a similar app to Horizon Explorer which displays your own data for internal use, you can email hello@horizon-explorer to discuss licensing & pricing.

I have a bug report or feature request

Please email details to hello@horizon-explorer including as much information as possible.

Contact Us

Have a question that wasn't covered here?
Contact us by twitter or email!